How You Can Help
Brave-Hearts is a registered Canadian charity, 
supported by kind volunteers, generous donors, fundraising events and lesson fees.​
​​Donations help keep our programs running. A donation of any size helps ensure the continued health and happiness of our horses, letting them do what they do best: helping children meet their full potential.​​
We collect donations via CanadaHelps.org
CanadaHelps is a registered charity that provides secure, online donations on behalf of Canada's 80,000+ registered charitable organizations. Within minutes of making a secure donation, you will receive an official electronic tax receipt emailed to you. For more info, to assure you that your privacy and personal information will be confidential, please click here :  https://www.canadahelps.org/en/privacy-policy/

Volunteer With Us
Volunteers are the lifeline of the program - it would not be possible without them. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer,  please contact us.  ​
No experience needed, training provided.
You must be 16 years of age and in good physical condition.  Great opportunity for Ontario high school students seeking community hours for graduation!
Help needed for paddock and barn maintenance (raking, weeding, shoveling, sweeping) hay unloading, horse care and fundraising.  ​​